Ever wondered what life is all about?
Christianity Explored is an informal and relaxed seven-week course for anyone who wants to think about the meaning of life. It's run by local people from Grimsby Baptist Church and is completely free including a meal. You don't need to know anything about the Bible and you won't be asked to pray or sing. You can ask any question you like or you can just sit and listen. We’d love you to join us!

Each session consists of discussion in small groups, a Video, followed by more discussion and is presented in a friendly and very relaxed manner.

Do I need to be a Christian to attend?
No, this course is open to everyone, we have seen people from different religions, and belief backgrounds join us for open discussion in our groups, all we ask is that everyone respects other peoples views as we discuss the topics.

"My outlook on life totally changed because once I explored the Bible and received God's word as the truth I became a better person knowing that Jesus is the bridge to eternal life and that we can turn away from sin." SUE, Immingham


Over the length of the course we investigate the following key areas of Christianity, in a comfortable environment where ANY questions can be raised on any of the subjects.

What are we doing here?
Who is Jesus?
Why did Jesus come?
Why did Jesus die?
Why did Jesus rise?
How can God accept us?
What does it mean to follow Jesus?

We currently haven't confirmed a date for our next course. If you would like more information e-mail info@grimsbybaptistchurch.co.uk or speak to a friend at GBC

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from Christianity Explored